Nobody can be all colors but one color
I am deaf who can't speak or hear so I hope you can understand my English.
I think it is not right to have children because there is a continuance of suffering somewhere in a human because nobody is perfect. Humans can feel more pains than any animal or fish or plants.
If I count all pains including serious accidents like auto accidents or fingers got cut by kitchen knives, etc., all over the world which the number of pains could be in millions which continuously for 24 hours and years because of chance with about seven billions people.
Why should I add people on earth? If I add them, then the accidents and the sufferings of humans will be added because nobody is perfect.
Someone may say only one child is okay, but one child can still produce millions of more people in the future hence more pains on earth.
That is why I went to the Planned Parenthood to have my private parts tied sooner because in case I may change my mind and want a baby. I stay single all of my life. It is not a good idea to touch a girl. Do not try to take drugs, alcohol, marijuana, caffeine or anything that make you high because of side effects. Having a baby is worse than drugs, alcohol, marijuana, and caffeine because one child can produce millions of people and pains in the future.
I think an average person's body can feel about 33 percent pain, 33 percent of pleasure, and 33 percent of numb. If you want to have a child, then you may expect a child to feel around 33 percent of pain, 33 percent of pleasure and 33 percent of numb too. Therefore you may be responsible for causing that 33 percent of pain in a child.
Someone may say if I want to live along with that 33 percent of the pain. Therefore, I bet that my future child will think that way too. But I think that person should keep it to herself or himself and not put it on a child to feel that way too
What if a person has 99 percent of pain and 1 percent of pleasure, then will it still be okay to have a child with 99 percent of pain? I think if a person has only 1 percent of pain, then it is still wrong to have a baby. People are not perfect. Therefore they have no right to produce a baby because of pain.
Let me make up a fictitious story. If a person has supernatural power, then that person see a rock on the road and say to herself that rock must be feeling 100 percent numb because it is a dead thing, so she decides to use her supernatural power to change 100 percent of numb to 33 percent of pain, 33 percent of pleasure and 33 percent of numb on that rock. Therefore that rock no longer feels numb but both pain and pleasure. That rock seems not happy anymore because to feel 100 percent of numb, which is much better than feeling the pain and pleasure at the same time.
For little or big pain can ruin everything. Therefore it is vital to leave that rock alone.
Likewise, do not try to have a baby because before a baby is born, it may feel numb. The numb is more peaceful than feeling pain and pleasure at the same time.
Someone may ask, do you mean having a baby is worse than theft, rude, or any inappropriate behaviors. I would say yes because humans are the most painful on earth. Humans can feel more pain than all animals, fishes, or plants. A human body is so sensitive that even slight touch on the skin can feel little pain.
I can't think of any pain that is greater than having a baby because, with my reason, a baby can be up to around 75 years old. Therefore it will be about 75 years of pain. It is not only 75 years of pain because only one baby can produce millions or billions more people and pains in the future.
If I want to have a baby, then my conscience may tell me it's wrong to do that because it may say to me that I should not to produce pain in a baby. No baby means no pain.
Someone may say, but my conscience seems to tell me that I have the right to produce a baby. But his or her good conscience can become bad if he or she keeps counting how many people are in the world. I mean being a copycat can be dangerous. Any person can say my conscience seems to tell me that I have the right to have a baby because of the sperm or egg. But having sperm or egg does not mean it's the right thing to do
Someone may say I am depressed. Well, I am not talking about the depression but a natural, unavoidable pain. Even every newborn baby in a hospital can feel pain. The babies cried when they are born because of pains.
Some people may say I may have more pain than average people, but what if they have babies then that will be even more pains than I have because of adding more people and pains on earth. Nobody is perfect. Therefore everybody can feel pain. It is not a good idea to have more babies on earth.
Someone may say what if my baby can help or heal the cruel world by making the population of people more less? But it is not guaranteed that any baby will stop many people from having more babies. No baby means it is guaranteed that there will be no more babies. If that person is stubborn, then try to adopt a child instead.
2. Be vegan or pesco vegan
It is better to eat seafood and vegetables because they feel much less pain than cows and chicken. A wild caught fish is even better because the farmers did not breed them. If a farmer breeds more animals on earth, therefore there will be more pains or sufferings on the earth.
I do not buy meat, eggs, milk, butter or any dairy foods because I do not want the farmers to get the money to breed more of animals on earth. The more animals on earth can mean more pains because all animals are not perfect which they can feel pains.
Some vegetarians may say to breed the chicken in a land without being in the cage for eggs are okay, but they have to realize that every chicken can feel pain. Therefore it is not a good idea to breed chicken on earth. Likewise, do not breed cats or dogs as pets.
If that person is stubborn, then try to eat chicken instead of cows because cows feel more pains than chicken. It is always better to eat seafood and plants because they feel less pains than land animals.
3. One color
I do not think people evolve from apes or smaller animals because all colors are individuals which they are separable from each other.
All colors can't change to other colors or disappear. There is not even one color missing in the universe. For example, if there is one quadrillion of different colors in the universe, therefore it is always one quadrillion of different colors in eternal past and the eternal future. There is no such as one quadrillion of different colors, then later reduce to one billion of different colors. Colors are colors forever. Therefore the number of colors in the universe remains the same. If you think color can disappear or change to another color but it is hidden from your sight.
I mentioned quadrillions, but there could be like zillions of different colors in the universe.
What I can feel inside me is always the same one color because the one color cannot enter other colors to be many different colors. For one color can only feel it's own color. All different colors are separable feelings.
For example, there are colors of white and black, and they are next to each other and at the edge of white color which is next to black still has no way to be black because the white color is stuck with its color. The white is always the white even from all eternal past and also in eternal future. Therefore the white has no way to be all other colors but remains the same one white color itself.
Therefore I am always the same one color from everlasting past to everlasting future, then how can I who is the one color evolve from apes or smaller animals or plants? One color is self-existent. One color means the same as spirit or ghost. One color can be reincarnated or not.
Humans, animals, fish, insects, and plants are one color themselves too. So that means they are individuals and separable from each other by a different color. That means each human created himself or herself inside the one color without evolving from others. Likewise, the animals, fishes, insects, and plants created themselves inside their one color.
In other words, we are Creators (Gods and Goddesses). That means that we made ourselves. In the eternal past, we were formless inside our one color, but we were intelligent enough to mold ourselves from being formless to form.
Some people may think they are more than one color because they may say they can see many colors. But in reality, they may see many colors from their standpoint of one color themselves individually.
For example, if I am one brown color and I can see many colors, but it does not mean I am many colors. It means that I am brown and from the end of the borderline of brown which I can see many colors while I am still brown.
Some people may have a hard time to understand that I said that I could not be all colors but one color because they may look at their bodies and saw many colors like red color by blood, white color by bone, and tan color by flesh, etc. therefore they think they are more than one color. They can not make the right judgment from what they can see because sight can be tricky. One color is invisible like the air that we can not see the air. Air has color, but we can not see the color of air. Likewise, we are one color ourselves, but we can not see one color ourselves. We are invisible one color ourselves.
Someone may say how can large size one color fits inside the body that already has blood, bones, and flesh. Let me give an example, if you use a flashlight in the dark and put the light on your hand then you will notice a red or orange glow color inside your hand then does that mean your hand is in red or orange color or you are red or orange color yourself? Of course not. The red or orange glow is just tricky to your sight. Likewise, the red color of blood, white color of bones and tan color of flesh can be tricky to your sight which they are not the real you. The invisible one color may be flexible enough to fit inside the body from the head to the toes.
If the bones happen to be in color of black instead of white color for some reason, but I will not be the black color. If the blood happens to be in color of orange instead of red for some reason but I will not be the orange color. If the flesh happens to be in color of brown instead of tan for some reason but I will not be the brown color because I can not become the foods that I ate. If I swallow a green color ball, but I will not be the green color. I am not these colors which I am only one color myself isolated somewhere hidden from my sight inside the body that is made up of flesh, bones, and blood.
You can not become other colors because you remain the same one color yourself forever. All different colors stay the same colors too.
The many different colors of bones, blood, and flesh are just the foods that are not the real me because I am one color, not all colors.
I consider foods visible and one color invisible. There are bones, blood and flesh around me and they are not me because I am the invisible one color which is isolated. You can see all the other colors, but they are not you. You can not see inside yourself because the one color is still invisible to you, but the Mind that is inside your invisible one color can open your sight to see inside yourself to know who you are.
I do not think anybody on earth can see what color he or she is but the Mind that is inside one color can open the sight in the future.
There are some examples of invisible colors, some fishes or marine animals are transparent which you can see their bodies like a glass window that you can see through. Likewise, the one color that is inside humans or animals or fish or insects or plants is still invisible.
You can not see the air because it is invisible to you and it does not mean the air is not there. The air could be in color of gray or other colors, but you can not see the color of air. Likewise, you are one color, but it is still invisible to your sight.
When I said invisible one color, I mean a color that is hidden from sight.
Each of us may not know what colors we are because they are still invisible, but it is possible that someday in the future which the invisible one color will become visible again. It is possible that we knew what colors we are in the past life, but sometime later they became invisible. Each of us may have existed before we were born.
Somehow each of us as invisible one color individually may move into a baby inside the womb or during the birth or sometime later.
The invisible one color is like a light or X- rays that can go through a body. The only difference between a light or X-rays and invisible one color is that light or X-rays can go through the body and out of it while the invisible one color can also go through the body but may want to remain inside the body without going out of it. The one color can become very thin which can go through the body easily. I consider the body the foods and the invisible one color is the real person.
Someone may ask me, how can I feel something from my head to the toes? The only explanation for this is that there must be a sizeable invisible one color somewhere from the head to the toes. It is about large size invisible one color as one piece which can't be divided into many separable pieces. It is the eternal large same size one color. The size is always the same size from all eternity past and future. It is hard to explain what invisible one color as eternal one size which never increases or decreases in size looks like because it is hidden from the sight.
There may be some colors that are much smaller than atoms, and there may be some colors that are much larger than earth. There may be many different colors in many different sizes out there in the universe. Some colors are hidden from our sight.
I can feel inside myself as one color inside my head all way to the toes because from the end corner to another end corner of my large size one color is inseparable as it is always in the same size in the past and future. If I am not the one color somewhere from head to toes, then that means I can not feel from the head to the toes.
For example, the red color can only feel inside the red itself and nothing more. The red cannot be green and red itself at the same time which means red and green are separable from each other forever. Inside the green will always feel itself and red will always feel itself. The red cannot enter green to feel green because red is red. It is the same with all other colors. Each color can only feel it's own color. Therefore I can only feel inside my color, and I am always the large size one color somewhere hidden from my sight inside the head to the toes.
Someone may say the mixture of yellow paint and blue paint which can become green paint. But that does not mean a yellow and blue color can change to a green color because there must be a green color hidden from the sight somewhere near the blue or yellow. When yellow and blue get mixed, then these two colors bring the green into a visible thing. And the yellow and blue into the invisible things. There are always green, blue and yellow. Whether you see them or not. It is a tricky paint job which you may think color can be changed to other colors while they can not. All colors never change. Colors are colors forever which means that they all were always here in the eternity past and future.
Each color cannot enter other colors to be a different color. All colors are eternal which they are always here. Therefore I am stuck with my one color forever.
4. Creation
I think a long time before there were earth and galaxy which everything and everywhere was motionless because of laws of friction which mean that everything in the universe can not move forever. In the eternity past, all colors in the universe were motionless but there were enough different kinds of shapes inside one color which enable it to be wise which knew how to move for the first time.
For example, if there are only a few different kinds of shapes inside one color, therefore, there are not enough different kinds of shapes to enable it to be wise. There must be many different kinds of shapes inside the one color in order to know how to move for the first time from being motionless from eternity past. Life always start with Mind. Life never starts with mindless. Mind means the same as God or Goddess
The big bang theory is impossible to be true because everything in the universe was motionless but only those one color themselves individually that already have many different kinds of shapes which enabled to be wise which they knew how to move for the first time then they decided to move from being imperfect shapes into perfect shapes to be people, animals, fishes, and plants. Then they created the earth and galaxies so they can walk or swim. Each of them made themselves individually as they are separable beings because different colors mean separable beings. They are the Creators.
In the eternal past, many different kinds of shapes inside the one color were being motionless and imperfect shapes but moved into to be in perfect shapes of human. It is the same story with all other humans, animals, fishes and plants. If this theory is true, therefore each of them (humans, animals, fishes, insects and plants) are the original Creators as one color themselves individually separable beings from each other already existed before the earth and galaxies were created.
Before the earth and galaxies were created, the original Creators (humans, animals, fishes, insects, and plants) are separated from each other because of different colors and they were not in perfect shapes inside their one color themselves individually and were motionless but with many different kinds of shapes which enable them to be wise then they moved for the first time from being imperfect shapes into perfect shapes to be human, animals, fishes, insects, and plants by themselves individually.
Someone may ask if it is possible that male human and female humans are together inside one color. I would say yes because everything is possible inside the one color. For one color can be anything it wants to be except it can't be other or change color. It is possible that long time ago which the male human and female human was in imperfect shapes inside the one color themselves but still intelligent enough to know how move from being imperfect shapes into perfect shapes so that the male human and female human can be perfect and communicate with each other as a companion. That means there could be many males and females humans, animals, fishes, insects and plants inside their one color themselves on earth.
5. Robots
There is a figure of human inside the invisible one color which is the real person. There is another figure of human as robot which made up of different colors of blood, bones and flesh which is not real person. For a real person can not be more than one color.
Since there are figures of people, animals, fishes, insects, and plants as robots here on earth. Therefore there must be one color somewhere inside each of them which are still invisible to our sight. I called the blood, bones, and flesh as robot. The invisible one color is the real person. There is a human figure inside the one color which is separated from all other colors such as red by blood, white by bones and tan by the flesh. The robot as the blood, bones, and flesh is the fake person because the blood, bones and flesh are just the foods.
For some reasons sometimes the Creators as invisible one color themselves individually did not move into some tiny robots inside the wombs or during the birth or sometime later. So that means some robots are not with the Creators as invisible one color themselves individually while some other robots are with Creators as invisible one color themselves individually.
There are already figures of humans, animals, fishes, insects, and plants inside their one color themselves individually which I called them the Creators. Then somehow they moved into the tiny robots inside the wombs or during the birth or after the birth or sometime later.
When I said the Creators as invisible one color themselves individually, I do not mean they all are inside the same one color together. I used this sentence as abbreviate. What I really mean is that the Creator that is inside one color who is separable from the other Creators who is inside different or other colors. So when I use this abbreviate sentence again then you will understand what this means.
6. The figures that are inside one color
For example, if there is tan color and brown color which there is a human figure inside this tan color and there is a dog figure inside brown color. That means the dog is one brown color herself or himself and the human is one tan color herself or himself. The dog that is inside the brown color has no way to be this human because the human is inside the tan color.
The different colors between tan and brown are always separable from each other. Tan can not be brown and tan at the same time. Tan can not change to other color or disappear or across into brown color. Tan is Tan and brown is brown forever.
Therefore the human figure that is inside the tan color is 100 percent individual and the dog figure inside the brown color is 100 percent individual. It is the same with all other humans, animals, fishes, insects, plants which are 100 percent individuals separate from each other forever by different colors.
7. Similar colors
Someone may ask me what if there are two tan colors that are separable from each other and if they meet each other then will they become one tan color together. I would say no because if the tan color is always separable from another tan color, therefore, they can not become one if they meet each other because the size of the tan color itself remains the same size forever. The size of the tan can not be larger or smaller. It is an eternal one size therefore it can not be linked to another tan color. The tan color is isolated itself as that way. If there are 75 billions of tan colors that are always separable from each other therefore they can not become one color together if they meet each other. Tan has its own borderline which is always in the same size forever which is why itself the tan color can not become larger if meet another tan color. Borderline is borderline forever.
8. The size of one color
Any color can not be changed to the other color or get smaller or bigger, therefore, there must be a long length of the same one color inside the head to the toes. That is why I can feel all way from my head to the toes. It is impossible to feel inside from my head to toes if there is no one color inside the head to the toes.
For example, If green color is inside head and gray color is inside toes, then that means the green color that is inside the head has no way to be the toes or feel all way to the toes because the gray color that is inside the toes which is separated from the green. The different colors always mean separate feelings from each other forever. In order for the green color to feel all way from the head to toes then the green color has to be a long length which is inside the head and also all way to the toes.
I do not think a human may be in a green color. Most likely the human is in tan color. Because if there is a Mind that is inside the green color then I am sure that the Mind decline to become a human. It is natural for the Mind to be delighted in the best color which became a human. That is why I think all ugly colors remain nobody.
I am talking about the eternal one color which is the same size forever which can not be divided into many small separable pieces or get bigger. It is eternal one piece or size. For example, if the size of one color is 10 square feet therefore it is always the same 10 square feet size from eternal past to eternal future.
There may be many different square feet in sizes of colors. Some people may have 10 square feet size of one color while some other people have 15 square feet size of one color. Nobody may know what size it is because it is still invisible. The visible colors which we see around us are not a good example of what invisible one large same size one color looks like because all colors that we see around here could be only in very tiny sizes.
The invisible one color can get thin or flexible enough to fit inside the robot. The invisible one color may be near or beside the robot which made up of foods. For invisible one color itself can not become the foods. The Mind that is inside the invisible one color is self-existent. The robot is nobody because it is made of foods or soil.
9. The real and fake person
To give you a picture of an invisible color as real person and robot as a fake person, If the real person is in color of tan then that mean the tan color is beside by the robot that make up of red color by blood , white color by bones and tan color by flesh. That person as tan color has no way to be the robot because itself tan color is always isolate which can not become other color or get into other colors. Tan is tan forever. Each different colors are always isolate from each other.
10.The eternal same color
It is not hard to say that I am the same one color from all eternal past and eternal future because it is a fact. If I am in color of tan therefore before the earth or galaxy was created I was tan color and today I am still tan color and in all future, I will still be a tan color. It is hard to tell what color I am because it is invisible. I can see many colors and those colors are not the real me and I can not see myself as one color inside me. If I am tan color then that means I can see many colors only from the standpoint of myself as one tan color.
Someone may ask how can I see many colors if I am tan color only. If I am tan color, I can not get outside of myself (one color) and I am stuck with being tan color myself forever but the many colors only show themselves outside of me. I can see them without being them.
For an example, if there is a tan color which is beside black, purple and green. The tan can not be black or purple or green but black or purple or green show themselves individually outside of the tan. The tan knows what black or purple or green is like because they show themselves of what colors they are from outside of tan. It means that the tan can see black or purple or green without being them.
The Creators as invisible one color themselves individually may decide to remain hidden from our sight but in the future, they can make themselves visible again. There could be many different kinds of invisible Creators as one color themselves individually inside each people, animals, fishes, insects, and plants.
We can not be all colors but one color individually. If I think I am all colors therefore I may think I am people, animals, fishes, insects, plants, earth and universe but it is not true because different colors mean
separate from each other. All colors always remain the same colors themselves individually forever. I am one color therefore I can not be the people, animals, fishes, insects, plants, earth and universe.
Someone may say God is everywhere. I would say no because of a red color or any other colors can not be everywhere. Each color is always in one location not everywhere. God is only one color, therefore, being everywhere is not true. Each of us as one color individually can not be everywhere.
11. The Creators lost their powers
Let me summarize, why we (humans, animals, fishes, insects, and plants) are here. I think a long time ago before the earth or galaxy was created, only those one color themselves individually that already have many different kinds of shapes which enabled it to be wise to know how to move from being non-motion and imperfect shapes into perfect shapes. Then they all attempted to create the galaxy and earth as a beautiful place to live and swim around but somehow sometime shortly before or during the creation of galaxy and the earth which the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure appeared for the first time. Therefore they lost their perfect strengths to run the galaxy and earth into perfect shapes or order.
When there is a pain, numb and inadequate pleasure, therefore, there are no powers for the Creators. It has to be 100 percent of perfect pleasure combination with wisdom to be all powerful. Pain, numb and inadequate pleasure means " death " which can affect intelligence with the power. Therefore the galaxy, earth and everything that is beyond our galaxy is in mess. Those one color themselves individually as Creators lost control over the universe, which means everything is getting worse. Everything (all colors) and everywhere in the universe will become non-motion again like in the past.
When the Creators got sick by pain or numb or inadequate pleasure that they did not finish the creation of the universe. Therefore the robots as blood, bones, and flesh were created in error by the Creators. That is why the Creators (humans, animals, fishes, insects and plants) as invisible one color themselves individually moved into the robots inside the womb or during the birth or somewhere without a proper plan. It is just an error plan because of the loss of their perfect strengths by pain, numb and inadequate pleasure during the beginning of the creation.
The everything you see here is the unfinished job in which the Creators did not finish the creation of the universe. That is why everything in the universe is becoming loose which soon in the future the earth, galaxy and universe will go back into non-motion again. But when the Creators as one color themselves individually that is beside or inside the robots or somewhere else heal from being a pain, numb and inadequate pleasure then they can try to create the earth, galaxy and universe again.
12. All pains will become pleasure again
I think the Creators are confident that after the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure appear for the first time but they will become 100 percent perfect pleasure again. Therefore there will never be pain or numb or inadequate pleasure again. So that means next time they will be able to recreate and complete the earth, galaxy and universe without loss of their perfect strengths.
It has to be 100 percent perfect pleasure again in order for the Creators to know how to move freely to do anything. If the Creators heal from pain and numb but only with inadequate pleasure then it will not work that way which the Creators will still be unable to move freely.
Let me describe what inadequate pleasure is. It is fair or medium of pleasure in a range of 25, 50, 75 or anything that is less than 100 percent of pleasure which is not the maximum of pleasure. Even if it is almost the maximum pleasure ( 99 percent ) then it will still not work that way. The only way for the Creators to have the free will themselves again is by 100 perfect pleasure. Because even if it's 99.99 percent of pleasure then it may still affect the intelligence of Creators. It has to be 100 percent perfect pleasure in order for the Wisdom that is inside the one color to know how to move again.
In the eternal past, before the universe was created, there was always 100 percent perfect pleasure in each of the Creators. That is why the Creators were able to move on their own to make themselves from being imperfect shapes into perfect shapes.
I think there is none of 100 percent perfect pleasure in any colors, anywhere which is why all different kinds of creators as the invisible one color themselves individually are "dead" for a while. They will live again later only if the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure become 100 percent perfect pleasure again. I do not mean 100 percent dead like any shapes inside the invisible one color themselves individually. There are still enough of different kinds of shapes to enable to be wise inside the invisible one color themselves individually but only pain, numb and inadequate pleasure which affected the intelligence of Creators that they lost their perfect strengths to move freely.
I think all different kinds of Creators (people, animals, fishes, insects and plants) were once alive with 100 percent perfect pleasure long time ago before the creation of universe but then some time after they moved on their own for the first time, therefore, the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure appeared for the first time which they became "dead" for a while but in the future that all numb, pain and inadequate pleasure will become 100 perfect pleasure again. Therefore the Creators will be free to do anything with their perfect strengths again.
13. The tiny creatures were able to create the universe
Someone may say how can the invisible one color of any tiny insect or plant create the universe. The Mind that is inside the invisible one color of any insect or plant was intelligent enough to create something. And what more is that they can see everything from end of the universe to the other end of the universe without any problem from their standpoint of invisible one color themselves individually. That is why they created the universe easily in the past. The constructions of the universe (materials) are much less complicated than all plants or insects. Each individual of humans, animals, fishes, insects, and plants that are inside the invisible one color themselves individually are self-existent Creators. They all attempted to create the universe because they want a place to walk or swim.
14. Natural
I think there is no such as bad or sinful behavior that mess up the universe because it was natural for the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure to appear for the first time without any wrongdoing but will disappear forever. When they appeared for the first time therefore all Creators (humans, animals, fishes, insects, plants) lost their perfect strengths and were unable to complete the earth, galaxy and universe into perfect shapes.
When in the eternal past all things were in motionless, therefore there was no pain, numb or inadequate pleasure but only perfect pleasure. After the Creators as one color themselves individually moved for the first time, therefore sometime later the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure appeared for the first time but the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure can not last a long time. It is natural for the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure to say I do not like these feelings. Therefore each kind of pains, numb and inadequate pleasure will give up and become the perfect pleasure again. It is impossible for the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure to last forever, therefore the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure is only temporary.
15. The Creators will have their powers again
I think when the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure become perfect pleasure again, therefore the Creators as invisible one color themselves individually will have their perfect strengths back again and try to create the earth, galaxy and universe again and when they do that then there will be everlasting happiness without any pains, numb or inadequate pleasure.
I think when the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure become perfect pleasure again then no matter what will happen, the perfect pleasure will not go back to the pain or numb or inadequate pleasure again. Likewise when a person gets a disease of chickenpox and when that person cures of it then will not get it again.
16. The Creators were well prepared
I think the Creators expected something bad may happen during the creation of universe because they were intelligent enough to predict. Before the earth, galaxy and universe were created, all Creators were only in perfect pleasure in which pain, numb and inadequate pleasure did not happen yet. But they were intelligent enough which can figure out that something bad can happen that can cause the loss of their perfect strengths during the creation of earth, galaxy, and universe. They were prepared for this.
Before the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure appear for the first time which the Creators had no way to explain what pain, numb and inadequate pleasure is like because they never experience that. But they were intelligent enough to be prepared that something bad can happen for the first time that can cause no power or perfect strength. Which they expected that there will be lot of troubles on earth.
Nothing, including all accidents and bad or good lucks on earth or somewhere else was new to the Creators because they were very wise and can figure out what will be more likely to happen in the future. They know everything because they can see everything everywhere from their standpoint of one color themselves individually.
The Creators were intelligent enough to figure out when the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure will happen for the first time. Before they create the earth, galaxy, and universe which they already figured out what degree of pains will be and if they can tolerate the pains or not.
The Creators already figured out that the plants will feel fewer pains than all other animals because they know that the plants have fewer numbers of different kinds of shapes inside their one color themselves individually than all animals. That means all plants may feel fewer pains while all animals may feel more pains. The people may have many more different kinds of shapes inside their one color themselves individually, therefore people may feel more pains than all animals.
The Creators already figured out what degree of pains that they will feel. Which they predicted that the pains will be tolerable. Otherwise, they will not create the earth, galaxy and universe if the pains are not tolerable.
Before the Creators create the earth, galaxy, and universe which they never experience the pain or numb or inadequate pleasure but they were very wise and can figure out something bad can happen. Which they already figured out that when the pain, numb and inadequate happen for the first time, therefore, all of the Creators as one color themselves individually will be "dead" for a while. When they are temporarily "dead" because of pain, numb and inadequate pleasure which that means everything everywhere will be motionless again.
17. Everything everywhere may be motionless again
The Creators have no way to keep running or moving the universe because of pain, numb and inadequate pleasure, therefore the whole universe will stop moving sooner or later in the future.
Everything everywhere including the Creators as one color themselves individually
(people,animals,fishes,insects and plants), robots, earth, galaxies and universe and all of the atoms may stop moving. All pains, numb and inadequate pleasure will become 100 percent perfect pleasure again very shortly before everything everywhere stop moving. Then that is when the Creators will be revived by themselves and will be confident that the perfect pleasure will remain the same forever without going back to the pains again. Because it is natural for the perfect pleasure to last forever and for the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure to last only for the short time.
Someone may ask why the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure will become the perfect pleasure again very shortly before everything everywhere goes back to motionless (completely stop moving) again.
There is no proof of when will the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure will go back to perfect pleasure again but I think the Creators were intelligent enough to predict that it will happen very close to around the time when everything in the universe will stop moving.
For example, the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure may have happened for the first time very shortly after the Creators moved for the first time from being motionless in all eternity past. Likewise, the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure will be changed back to 100 percent pleasure again very shortly before everything everywhere goes back to motionless again. The pain can not last for a long time therefore the pleasure will be the winner at the end.
The numbers of years or age of the earth, galaxies, and the universe are unknown but only the Creators know. It is most likely that it is recent that the Creators started to move everything and everywhere. Likewise, the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure are recent and will last for a very short time. Since the Creators lost their perfect strengths, therefore the laws of friction are at present which means everything and everywhere can not keep moving forever. Everything and everywhere will be completely motionless again sooner than we thought.
18. The invisible battery
Someone may say if everything in the universe is going to stop moving but why the speed of light remains at 186,000 miles per second. I would say it is just an illusion. Everything in the universe is getting slower but we do not notice that. I can give an example, If someone program the battery operated toy car to go 5 mph by itself for an hour without slowing down which it looks like the toy car is not slowing down at all for an hour but when the battery inside the toy car wears out therefore eventually the toy car will not keep going at 5 mph after an hour or more. Likewise, the speed of light may be still going at 186,000 miles per hour but someday it will eventually go slower. The " battery " that is somewhere hidden from our sight may keep the speed of light going at 186,000 miles per second for a while.
Someone may say if we see the lights from another galaxy on earth, therefore the universe could be billions of years old because of light travel time. I would say but the "battery" somewhere hidden from our sight may be very strong in past than our present time that the " battery " in the past can make the speed of light go even much faster than 186,000 miles per second.
When the Creators attempted to create the universe that they may have made the speed of light to go so fast that it arrived the earth from another galaxy without any delays. The Creators may have made the lights to arrive on the earth from another galaxy in the same day. But since the Creators got sick by pain, numb and inadequate pleasure therefore they are unable to complete the universe which everything including the speed of light is getting slower. When the"battery" somewhere hidden from our sight wears out in the near future, therefore, the speed of light may be reduced from 186,000 miles per second to 100,000 or 50,000 miles per second and eventually to zero miles per second.
19. Illusions
Everything that is moving around here in the universe is an illusion which it looks like everything is getting faster. Actually, everything and everywhere is getting slower.
Someone may say but why there are cars, airplanes, and rockets while there was none in the past. But it is still an illusion. I can give an example, someone can program the toy car to go forward for 10 minutes then go backward for ten minutes by itself without using the controller. Likewise when the Creators attempted to program the universe to go forward and backward but they got sick and did not finish the programming the universe, therefore the universe is still partially programmed to keep going forward and backward without any controllers.
It is most likely that the Creators attempted to create the universe recently. Likewise the pain, numb and adequate pleasure are recent too. Which may have happened some thousands years ago. We can not figure out the age of the universe based on our sights because the sights can be tricky. Only the Creators know the time because they can see everything and everywhere clearly from their standpoint of one color.
20. Pleasure can last forever and pain can not last forever
The general knowledge that was inside the minds of Creators which they may say there could be no perfect strengths or powers happen after they moved for the first time. No powers mean everything and everywhere will be motionless again. Even pain, numb and inadequate were unknown to all Creators but they may have predicted that something bad can happen during the creation of the earth, galaxy, and universe that can cause no perfect strengths. But they are confident that the bad or no perfect strengths will become perfect pleasure or powers again. Because it is impossible for the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure to last forever. It is just natural for the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure to say no to itself.
Someone may say if this is true then pain, numb and inadequate pleasure should never happen. But the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure is only a temporary that it is impossible for them to last forever which they will give up soon. It is just natural for them to appear for the first time but last only for a short time. The perfect pleasure already existed before the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure, therefore the perfect pleasure is more real.
The combination of perfect pleasure and Wisdom is all powerful. That is how the Creators as one color themselves individually were able to survive on their own and know how to move from being motionless to the motion for the first time.
I talked about perfect pleasure but I really do not know what perfect pleasure is like because there is still inadequate pleasure inside me.
Nobody is perfect therefore nobody knows what is the perfect pleasure. But we will know what perfect pleasure is again when the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure give up.
21. Where are the Creators?
Some of us may wonder where are the Creators. We may look for the Creators out in the universe but actually the Creators are hidden from our sight inside each of us. We are one with the Creators inside the invisible one color ourselves individually. The Creators that are inside each of us can see everything and everywhere clearly from their standpoint of one color themselves individually but still helpless or powerless. Often they are unable to communicate with us.
For example, some psychic people can get some secret information from inside their one color themselves individually but often the information is not clear. Because the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure is in the way that the Creators are unable to deliver full information.
All of us need to wait until the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure become 100 percent perfect pleasure again. When that happens in the future, that is when the Creators will be able to reveal themselves.
I think there are many different kinds of Creators. What I mean is that some Creators are less intelligent than other Creators. For example, a Creator that is inside the dog may be less intelligent than a Creator that is inside the human. Another example, a Creator that is inside a dolphin may be more intelligent than a Creator that is inside jellyfish. No one is exactly the same.
22. I am not the universe but only one color
I am able to see many things (different colors) including the earth, moon, and stars around me, but I am not these things because I am the one color that can not change to another color or get into another color. The different colors are always separated from each other forever. I remain the same one color myself forever. I can not be two, three, four or more different colors but only one color.
I still do not know what color I am because the one color inside me remains invisible to my sight. However, I have to wait until the mind that is inside the one color to reveal the color to my sight. I think that will happen when the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure cures itself in the future.
I want to explain more about invisible things. Some nocturnal animals can see things clear in the dark while humans can not see things. That means things are invisible to humans in the dark while they are visible to nocturnal animals. Likewise, the Creators as the invisible one color themselves individually are able to see inside their one color individually clearly and they also can see all things in the universe clearly from their standpoint of one color individually. That means they can see everything far as from the end of universe and to another end of universe. Also, that means nothing is lost or new or mystery to the Creators.
When the Creators as invisible one color themselves individually inside each of us heal from the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure then they can show us everything by opening our sight that we can see everything from the end of the universe to another end of Universe clearly from our standpoint of one color individually. This can happen because we are already one with the Creators ourselves as individuals separably from each other by different colors.
23. Become the Creator
Let me explain what it is like to become the Creator. If the Creator that is inside me heal from the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure sometime in the future, Creator will be able to open my sight to see everything and everywhere from the end of the universe to another end of the universe clearly from my standpoint of one color. I will know and see the whole of inside me as one color that means I can know 100 percent of who I am as one color and I will know that I am the Creator.
For now, I am only called the son of the Creator because I can not see inside myself as one color yet. The Creator alone always know and see inside the one color 100 percent clearly. When the Creator inside me opens my sight to see and know inside myself 100 percent clearly then I will become the Creator and no longer be a son. The son can become the Creator and also become the son again but the Creator alone will always remain the same Creator forever who is unchangeable. Only the son is changeable that means the son can become the Creator when the Creator opens the sight to the son and become the son again when the Creator closes the sight.
Likewise with the daughter of the Creator. It depends on which one, male or female. If a human is female therefore it is called the daughter of the Creator. If a gorilla is female, therefore it is called the daughter of the Creator. If a lion is male therefore, it is called the son of the Creator. No one is exactly the same therefore there are many varieties of Creators. That means there are many varieties of intelligence levels of these Creators.
24. The sight of everything everywhere
When the Creator opens my sight, I will be able to see everything everywhere even far as to the end of the universe but I will not be planets or stars that means I am always the one color myself isolated forever. For example, if a black color can see everything everywhere, but it will only be to see from the standpoint of black color without being them. For black is black forever. When the Creator opens my sight then I will be able to see everything everywhere without being them myself. That means everything everywhere shows themselves without being them myself. The word meaning for seeing is showing themselves without being them myself.
25. The Creators are still incapable
The Creator as invisible one color inside me is still incapable due to the pain, numb and inadequate pleasure which took away the perfect strength. I think it is the same thing to happen to all other people, animals, fishes, insects, and plants. There could be a lot more than trillions of different kinds of Creators as invisible one color themselves individually somewhere on earth or another place.
26. The Creators made themselves
It is unlikely that Creator as invisible one color inside the dog creates a cat or Creator as invisible one color inside the horse creates whale. It is more likely the Creator as invisible one color inside the dog created himself or herself. The Creator as invisible one color inside cat created himself or herself. The Creator as invisible one color inside horse created himself or herself. The Creator invisible one color inside whale created himself or herself. That may have happened a long time ago before the creation of the earth, galaxy, and universe. It is the same with all other beings. That means each different beings created himself or herself inside the one color themselves individually.
As long as there are many different kinds of shapes inside the invisible one color that enable it to be wise therefore the Mind which is inside the invisible one color can decide to create himself or herself from being imperfect shapes into perfect shapes to be somebody.
It is unlikely that there is one God who creates all people, animals. fishes, insects, and plants. It is more likely that each individual of people, animals, fishes, insects, and plants created themselves individually a long time ago before the creation of galaxy, earth and universe. One color means an individual. There are many different colors, therefore, there are many individual Creators.
27. More details about similar colors
Someone may say what if there are two invisible purple colors which the invisible purple color that is in size of 30 square feet and is on moon and the other invisible purple color which is in size of 15 square feet that is on earth and if they meet together in the space between the earth and moon then will they become one?
I would say no because all colors individually are always in the same size forever. The one color can not be divided into separable pieces or become larger size by getting together. If there is invisible purple color in size of 30 feet square size isolated on moon, therefore, it will always remain isolate which can not become larger or smaller size. It is the eternal same size. If a color is in size of one inch, therefore, it will always be one inch size forever. Each color has it's own borderline which can not get bigger or smaller. It is that way from all eternal past and eternal future. Whatever size it is will always be the same size forever. So that means the invisible purple color that is on the moon can not become one with invisible purple color that is on earth. Similar color or not, they are always separable from each other forever. It is an eternal same size.
The different or similar colors we see around on earth are only in tiny pieces. For example, when you see blue color paint on a poster 100 feet tall and 50 feet wide which it looks like the blue color is in 5,000 square feet size but when you use a microscope on the paint job then you can see many tiny blue color dots separable from each other. That could mean the blue color on the poster is only in a very small dot size like 0.0001 inches.
The tiny colors we see around here are not a good example of what eternal large size of invisible colors are like. For some reason, the Creators that are inside us decided to keep all eternal large size colors hidden from our sight or remain invisible.
28. I am the flexible one color
I can not see inside myself as the invisible one color or know what size it is but I can feel something from my head to the toes therefore I know I must be the invisible one color from my head to toes in about the size of 6 feet tall and two feet wide. But it could be a lot larger than 6 feet because I can not see into myself to find out what size it is yet. I as the invisible one color can be flexible and adjustable to fit inside the robot that is made up of foods, blood, bones, and flesh. That robot is not the real me. I can not decide what exact size of my invisible one color until I can see inside myself fully. I have to wait until the Creator as invisible one color inside me to open my sight so I can see and know fully who I am. I do not know when that will happen. It could happen tomorrow or some thousands of years later.
29. Religions
There are many different religions on earth. It is hard to tell which religion is more accurate because there are many symbols, figurative languages and word meanings. There may be many different pictures and languages in the minds.
It is interesting to find out why we are here and what is right and wrong. The Mind that is inside me as the invisible one color may reveal this knowledge. You can let some people know about these philosophical writings.
30. Vasectomy and tubal ligation
The Earth is overpopulated with lots of sufferings so it is not a good idea to have a baby. Just say no to drugs, likewise, say no to babies.
Men should get their tubes tied which is called vasectomy and women should get their tubes tied which is called tubal ligation. Health insurance usually covers that.
It is always best to do that soon as possible because sometime someone can change his or her mind later.
There is nothing wrong with abortion because no baby always means no more pain.
31. Self-created and soul mate
It is most likely that female human is self-created along with self-created male human inside the invisible one color together. It is unlikely that the female human is alone inside the invisible one color. It is the same with all females and males of animals, fishes, insects, plants. Each of you including the humans, animals, fishes, insects, and plants may have a soul mate inside your invisible one color but I do not recommend you to seek your lost soul mate because of problems with the robots and the births.
Try to stay single so it will be safe. It is not a good idea to have a baby because from one baby can produce millions more of babies in the future hence there could be millions of pains and troubles on Earth. Someone may refuse to have a baby then feel sad but the sad feeling will go away soon or later. The sad feeling will always become a happy feeling in the end.
32. Creator and robot are together for a while
The robots may take control over us and cause more troubles with the births. The Creators that are inside their one color may want to eliminate the robots because they were created in error but they are powerless because of pains, numb and inadequate pleasure. However someday when all Creators get to be healed then they will remove all robots from us. All robots are just the "machines" (made up of food, DNA, atoms, soil,etc.) which are not real persons.
It is kind of hard to tell who is talking because sometime the robots may take control over and do the talking instead of Creators. One color and robot is right next to each other which is why it is hard to tell which words are from Creator or robot. I try not to worry about it because all robots will be eliminated by Creators.
33. Pictures
Below here are some pictures of my drawings. I can not draw every kind of humans, animals, fishes, insects, and plants that are inside their invisible one color because it will take too much space. You can scroll down to find the pictures far below here


Goddess and God are together inside one color forever
Table of contents
Part 1. Pains and be childless
Part 2. Be vegan or pesco vegan
Part 3. One color
Part 4. Creation
Part 5. Robots
Part 6. The figures that are inside one color
Part 7. Similar colors
Part 8. The size of one color
Part 9.The real and fake person
Part 10. The eternal same color
Part 11. The Creators lost their powers
Part 12. All pains will become pleasure again
Part 13. The tiny creatures were able to create the universe
Part 14. Natural
Part 15. The Creators will have their powers again
Part 16. The Creators were well prepared
Part 17. Everything everywhere may be motionless again
Part 18. The invisible battery
Part 19. Illusions
20. Pleasure can last forever and pain is only temporary
Part 21. Where are the Creators ?
Part 22. I am not the universe but only one color
Part 23. Become the Creator
Part 24. Sight of everything and everywhere
25. The Creators are still incapable
Part 26. The Creators made themselves
Part 27. More details about similar colors
Part 28. I am the flexible one color
Part 29. Religions
30. Vasectomy and tubal ligation
31. Self-created and soul mate
32. Creator and robot are together for a while
33. pictures

